Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Problems Are Servants

We all face challenges. It's the human condition. Everyone, on this very
day, is dealing with something they wish they weren't dealing with.
Some have lost a loved one. Others are facing an illness. For others, it's
a money issue or a frustration at work.

Yes, it's no fun.

But just maybe every problem you encounter is an
opportunity in disguise. And if you're wise to that, you can
leverage the challenge for even greater success.

In some ways, positive thinking is a lot more
important than the cynics would suggest.

The founders of Google used positive thinking to overcome their early
setbacks and to stay true to their vision.

Sam Walton used positive thinking to build an empire.

And the best managers use positive thinking to help their teams see
that what ordinary people view as stumbling blocks, the best amongst
us see as stepping stones.

Because problems are servants. And they truly can serve you well. If
you choose to let them.

Listen to this song in the end.

P.S. : Thanks for giving the article a read.